Audio Editing Featured Mixing Sound Design

“The Lessons” Ongoing Short Films

“The Lessons” Awards winning series of short films written and directed by Alberto Ferreras.
Sound mix, Audio Editing, dialogue cleaning and sweetening by Eduardo Larez
Mixed for Theater and Streaming distribution

“The Lessons” Ongoing Short Films

“The Lessons” Awards winning series of Ongoing short films written and directed by Alberto Ferreras.

Sound mix, Audio Editing, dialogue cleaning and sweetening by Eduardo Larez
Mixed for Theater and Streaming distribution.

Video mastering by Fred Trevino.

Photographed by Alex Stikich

Featuring: Shirley Rumierk, Francisco Solorzano, Suzanne Di Donna, David Fraioli, Barbra Herr, Giovanka De Medici, Ardes Quinn, and John David West, with a special appearance by Olga Merediz.

“The Lessons” won the Audience Award and Best Alumni Film at the Sedona International Film Festival 2020, and honorable mentions and awards at multiple festivals . They have been presented at Outfest, the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival, Hong Kong LGBT Film Festival, the Havana Film Festival, Newfest, Image + Nation in Montreal, Rozen Filmdagen in Amsterdam and NY Shorts among many others.  “Lesson #7” has been acquired by HBO and is currently on the air and available on its HBO Max.